30 Fun Facts About Audra Lavik

1. She is only 1 inch taller than being an official midget.

2. She is strong enough to squat you.

3. She likes dogs more than she likes most people.

4. Her favorite cocktail is a margarita.

5. Her guilty pleasure is Ben & Jerry’s chocolate fudge brownie ice cream.

6. She has been married for twenty years to Damon Lavik.

7. Her son Alex, and his girlfriend, Alejandra, and Audra’s granddaughter, Ryleigh, lives with them.

8. Audra claims Ryleigh has her own since she feels she is too young to be a grandma.

9. Ryleigh calls Audra Lulu because it is what Audra’s dad has called her since she was a kid, and she wants the name to live on.

10. Audra is a competitive Olympic weightlifter in the masters division.

11. Her favorite days are boat days, and they always end with a boat dance party.

12. She loves to travel as often as possible.

13. Her most recent adventure was an off road Jeep Safari through the mountains of St. Thomas with a guy named Meatball who carried a machete.

14. Her favorite game is real life whack-a-mole where several people bob up and down through holes in a table.

15. Audra moves mountains and churches because she knows her worth and capabilities.

16. She has a love for all things beachy.

17. Audra is a woman’s woman, cheering on mamas, entrepreneurs, coworkers, friends, and everyone she meets.

18. She is known to make the best strawberry shakes.

19. She loves all things purple.

20. Her friends say she is fearless, strong-willed, and always puts others before herself, while staying true to who she is.

21. Even though she is 40, when presented with a large hill, she will still roll down it.

22. She can still do a back walk over and bridges.

23. She sees the world through empathetic glasses.

24. No matter where life takes her, she always remembers where she came from.

25. Her friends view her as a professional vacation planner and part time cup tattoo artist.

26. Her friends say she makes the most awesome swag bags for their group trips.

27. She is sensitive, yet a badass in more ways than one.

28. She is crafty, and often the life of the party.

29. She’s great at cartwheels, and looks fabulous in her lip gloss.

30. Last, but not least, her husband says, She is a loving wife, mother, and grandmother. She makes our world turn, and we could not do life without her.